Dr Luke Evans, MP for Bosworth, has called for a Parliamentary debate on the A5, as part of his bid to secure local improvements for the major highway.
Since being elected in 2019, Dr Luke has campaigned for improvements the Hinckley section of the highway, including securing £20 million for design improvements, regularly meeting Baroness Vere, Minister for Roads, and regularly attending briefings from National Highways on the A5.
In Parliament on 6 January, Dr Luke asked Leader of the House, Jacob Reese-Mogg: “May we have a debate on the importance of the A5 to the UK? The road runs from London to Wales and is so important, in particular in joining the East and West Midlands. It is blighted by narrowings and, most importantly, one of the most bashed bridges in Britain, right by Hinckley where I am.”
“A decision point on RIS3—the third road investment strategy—is coming in March. Will it be possible to have a debate before then to say how important this House feels the A5 is?”
In response, the Leader of the House said Dr Luke was “right to call for a debate”, and that as an “old Roman road” the A5 “has been important to our history for generation upon generation”, suggesting that the A5 should be discussed in an adjournment debate in the House of Commons.
Dr Luke added: “As Highways England continues technical work and other preparations on the new RIS3 scheme, I will keep fighting to push for improvements to a road that is so important, and yet so frustrating, for our community, by continuing to raise it in Parliament.”
“Since being elected in 2019, I have regularly been in contact with the Department for Transport, and National Highways to ensure that the £20 million pounds of funding I fought for the A5 is not squandered, and that an improvement project which benefits our section of the A5 is ultimately signed off.”
RIS3 will explain the government’s aims and proposals for investment in the strategic road network from 2025 to 2030, including the A5, and the next update on these plans is due this coming March.