Dr Luke spent a wonderful day at 2 fabulous facilities in the constituency: MIRA Technology Park and the DPD Super hub - 2 big employers in the constituency.
The morning at MIRA viewing the world leading automotive technology was inspiring. To think we have the leading research on brakes, suspension, driverless cars in the world, all on the doorstep is remarkable. Alas I can't show you photos of that for security reasons! (You will have to make do with the agenda for the day!).
The afternoon was spend at the DPD super hub where in one night they will sort 600,000 parcels a night on average! Incredible to find out that a parcel only spends 2 minutes in the building from being dropped off to sent out. And if you are wondering why there are no workers there when I visited, it is because the operation is at night.
A fantastic day.