I have received emails detailing a range of different views from people across our community regarding the Privileges Committee report and the vote on Monday.
I have always said as an MP I would be open and honest with the decisions I make, and I will continue to do so.
I have read the report very carefully. You can read it here: https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/40412/documents/197199/default
There were 3 options available to MPs, vote for, against or abstain and the vote was not whipped (i.e. it is a free vote).
I was in the debate.
I listened to the arguments for the report: based on the evidence gathered, the process, and the response by Mr Johnson to the draft findings when given to him.
I listened to the arguments against the report: the concerns about the committee overreaching, Sue Gray’s role given her ties to the opposition, and some perceived inconsistencies.
On what I read and heard, I voted for the report.
Why does this matter? Well, this is probably best summed up in Monday’s debate by former Prime Minster Theresa May who said “This Committee report matters, this debate matters and this vote matters. They matter because they strike at the heart of the bond of trust and respect between the public and Parliament that underpins the workings of this place and of our democracy.”